• 519-627-3623
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The Sydenham Curling Club is proud to offer a large variety of leagues that accommodate a wide range of curlers. So, whether you’re a recreational player or someone competitive; if you’re young, old or somewhere in-between, we are sure to have a league suitable for you.

Learn more by selecting one of the leagues that interest you from the list below.

Convenor:   Randy and Nancy Bechard

Draw times:  Monday 12:00PM - 2:00PM 

Dates:  November 4, 2024 - March 24, 2025.  Club closed December 23 - January 1, 2025.  No Curling on Family Day.   Weekend of Champions March 28 - 30, 2025

Target Curlers:  Social curling league for curlers of any age, retired or able to curl during the day. 

Format:  League games are 8 ends in length or 2 hours.  Curlers should arrive at the club 20 to 30 minutes prior to their scheduled game time to pull their tags.  At each outing, teams are formed by the league draw master and announced prior to game time. 

Special thanks to our league convenors who play a vital role in organizing and overseeing the league.   Their commitment ensures a smooth and enjoyable experience for all. 

Join this fun, semi-competitive league as a team or as an individual.  Games are played either Monday evenings at 6:15pm or Tuesday evenings at 6:15pm or 8:30pm.  We begin on November 4th and end March 25th. It is a great league to come out and improve your game.

Each game is recorded and points are given for a win or tie, and at the end of the season points are totalled. 

Following each game we sit with the team we played against for a social visit and enjoy a refreshment together. At the end of the season there is traditionally a dinner where we recognize our winners, eat great food with great company and say our farewells until the following season

League Convenors

Special thanks to our league convenors who play a vital role in organizing and overseeing the league:

  • Dave Meyskens
  • Matt and Jane Manneke
  • Tracey Maxim
  • Cheryl Apers

Their commitment ensures a smooth and enjoyable experience for all. 


Convenor:  Jered and Lyn Sweet, Jeff Wilbur

Draw times:  Wednesday at 7:00 PM 

Dates:  November 6 - March 26, 2025.  Club closed December 23 - January 1, 2025.  Weekend of Champions March 28 - 30, 2025

Max # Curlers:  32

Target curlers:  This is a recreational adult league open to men and women offering a social, less-competitive atmosphere.   Any level of curler, from novice to experienced, can enjoy and play.  A curler new to the game can easily integrate into this league.  Couples may play together for the 1st draw but this league tries to mix things up for each 6-week session.    Offers a great opportunity for new curling couples and singles to get started.

Format:  Any level of curler, from novice to experienced, can enjoy and play.  A curler new to the game can easily integrate into this league. Individual entry, with teams being formed by the club.  League games are 6 ends in length or 1 hour and 45 minutes.  Three 6-week sessions are played with players shuffled to create new teams for each round.  Players may opt in or out of each 6 week session (eg, travelling in winter may have folks not commit to the 2nd session but could spare) One draw.

Special thanks to our league convenors who play a vital role in organizing and overseeing the league.   Their commitment ensures a smooth and enjoyable experience for all. 

Convenor:   Laura Bulley and Cori Van de Veire

Draw times:  Thursday 9:30AM - 11:30AM 

Dates:  November 7, 2024 - March 27, 2025.  Club closed December 23 - January 1, 2025.  Weekend of Champions March 28 - 30, 2025

Target Curlers:  Social curling league for curlers of any age, retired or able to curl during the day. 

Format:  League games are 8 ends in length or 2 hours.  Curlers should arrive at the club 20 to 30 minutes prior to their scheduled game time to pull their tags.  At each outing, teams are formed by the league draw master and announced prior to game time. 

Special thanks to our league convenors who play a vital role in organizing and overseeing the league.   Their commitment ensures a smooth and enjoyable experience for all. 

Where the competitive spirit truly shines. This league is designed for curlers, both men and women, who are eager to test their skills and compete at a higher level. Teams can be formed by the players or you can reach out and ask us to help by being matched with others.  Each Thursday night is packed with intense matches. Curlers in this league are passionate about the sport, and they’re always looking to push their abilities to the limit. If you’re seeking a challenging and competitive team experience, Thursday nights offer just that. It’s a fantastic opportunity to showcase your curling prowess and aim for victory in a spirited mixed setting.  

  • This league is an open league and is all about having fun, enjoying the sport of curling and everything it entails on and off the ice! Game format and team selection may change from time to time.
  • Every week we play and socialize with a new team. It gives us the opportunity to welcome new curlers to the sport we love! This league is conducive to curlers who are unable to make it every week due to shift work, kid’s sports and other commitments.
  • Sign the weekly registration sheet upon arrival to the club. We can only accommodate a maximum of 32 players. Teams are created before we go on the ice.
  • The first week we will begin at 7 pm and the following six weeks, our Friday Night Fun League will begin at 8:30 pm, following the Learn to Curl program. Once the Learn to Curl Program is complete, we will start at 7 pm for the remainder of the season.

League Convenors

Special thanks to our league convenors who play a vital role in organizing and overseeing the league:

  • Julie Van Damme
  • Geoff Bunda
  • Joe Freeburn

Their commitment ensures a smooth and enjoyable experience for all. 

Sunday Morning Sinners - A Fun Social League

Sunday Sinners


A friendly, fun mixed open league:

  • Sunday mornings – games start at 9:30 am sharp
  • League is open to new and experienced curlers to curl in a non-competitive recreational format
  • Games will be 8 ends of play
  • Team players will change each week, so everyone has a chance to play and socialize with different curlers
  • Weekly attendance is optional – a great way to curl an extra game without having to commit to playing each week
  • Sign ups will be each week in advance of Sunday - limited to 32 players
  • Game formats may change from time to time
  • A morning of curling with the emphasis on fun. Curling is all about enjoying the sport and having a good time.

League Convenors

Special thanks to our league convenors who play a vital role in organizing and overseeing the league:

  • Jerry & Betty Meyskens
  • Paul & Annette Dhaen

Email: [email protected]

Their commitment ensures a smooth and enjoyable experience for all. 


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Upcoming Events

  • Feb
    Curling Day in Canada
    09:00 AM
  • Feb
    Volunteer and Sponsor Appreciation Night
    06:00 PM
  • Feb
    One Day Farmers
    09:00 AM
  • Mar
    Weekend of Champions
    05:00 PM
  • May
    A Night of Comedy
    05:00 PM

League Schedules

League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.

Our Supporters

Our Location

Sydenham Curling Club
7379 N River Line
Wallaceburg Ontario
N0P 2M0 Canada

Contact Us

Mailing Address:
PO Box 450
Wallaceburg, Ontario
N8A 0A0 Canada

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