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 2025 Pickleball Registration is OPEN!



Please log into the member's area (Member Home) to complete your online Sign-Up.      Member Log in

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We welcome all community members with all abilities! To register as a new member, looking to play in a league, please first complete a New Member Request.  This will allow our web team to get you set up with a login and password. Once the web team confirms your request, you will then be able to Sign-Up to play in our leagues.   New Member Request

Note: A unique email address is required for each person registering, including Youth leagues



Welcome to the Sydenham Community Curling Club, where the love for curling unites our vibrant community. Since 1963, we have been a cherished fixture in Wallaceburg, Dresden, Bkejwanong Territory, North Kent, and South Kent, offering an exceptional curling experience for all. With four sheets of ice, a fully licensed bar and lounge, and full locker rooms, we provide a welcoming environment for curlers of all skill levels. As a non-profit community organization, our commitment extends beyond the sport, actively engaging in initiatives that benefit our community. Join us and become a part of the spirited tradition and warm camaraderie that make our club a treasured cornerstone in both the sports and social scenes.


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Upcoming Events

League Schedules

League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.

Our Supporters

Our Location

Sydenham Curling Club
7379 N River Line
Wallaceburg Ontario
N0P 2M0 Canada

Contact Us

Mailing Address:
PO Box 450
Wallaceburg, Ontario
N8A 0A0 Canada

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